She is such a good baby. At 5 weeks old Stella slept 7 hours straight that night. She has finally figured out her days and nights and sleeps most nights 5+ hours straight. It is so nice to get good sleep at night, well most nights.
Little things about Stella
- She loves to stare
- She loves her bouncer and play mat
- She loves to look at lights
- She is just now starting to smile at you, not just from gas
- We will be retiring her newborn clothes pretty soon
- She is starting to like baths, if she is not hungry
- Most of the time she hates having her diaper changed
- She has only spit up a handful of times
- She loves Grandpa Dan to bounce her and sing songs to her
- She loves Drew to hold her while playing Call of Duty so mom can get some decent sleep (ok maybe that is one of my favorite things)
- She loves her binkie and loves to play the spit it out game with mom
- She always gives cute smiles and the one eyed look when she is drifting off to sleep, just to make sure you are still holding her
- She LOVES car rides
- She still loves to be swaddled while she sleeps
- Last but not least, a tax deduction for 2010
Here are a few updated pictures
This was awhile ago, but I love the outfit
All ready for her 1st time to church for Aunt Maria's mission farewell
Last week's church dress
one of my favorites All Smiles!!
We absolutely love our little bundle of joy!