Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well for those of you who do not know Drew and I own a house in Roy, Utah that is a duplex. We currently live in the one bedroom basement apartment and we have renters that live upstairs. I am not going to lie I really hate having to deal with renters, I would not suggest to any one to buy a duplex. Going to school, working, and trying to deal with renters that are a pain in the butt can be just a tad stressful! So after owning the house and living in the basement for 3 years now, we have finally decided we are going to move upstairs! I know it is not that big of a move, but you have no idea now excited I am to have room for all of our stuff! My poor couch (we have only been using the love seat) is still sitting in storage since we got it 3 years ago, collecting dust and who knows what else!? Now we will have an office/spare bedroom and then eventually a nursery! Plus I will have to get use to a normal sized kitchen, not closet for a kitchen, which should not be hard! I just hope and pray that the renters do not give us crap and move out by the end of the 30 days.

My "Momma Jean" is flying out at the end of the month. I am so excited! I am hoping that we will be able to move some stuff up stairs when she gets out here and she can help me paint and rip down tacky wall paper. She has gotten to be so Martha, not that she has ever stopped, when it comes to decorating. She is obsessed with watching he HGTV design shows and trying to modernize her house. She has gotten pretty good at sanding and staining furniture, so I am going to put her to work when she gets out here. I bought a glider rocking chair I bought off KSL ( kind of like craigs list but just for Utah) for $30 that is in great condition, I just want to sand it down and stain it a darker color and reupholster the pads to a little more modern and not 90's mauve! Plus I got a free oak table I need sanded and stained because it has a few nicks and dings in it. And we got a free chase lounge that we are going to make a slip cover for. And a few other pieces that need a little paint too. I am telling you, I am going to keep her busy! We just need to hurry up and move upstairs already so I have a place to put all of this, instead of my garage and shed!
Plus Mothers day is coming up soon and I know I am not a mother, but I am so excited for it!!!
And most important WARM WEATHER!!!!! Oh I am so ready for it!
Well until next time, maybe I will have a little more exciting news, not just moving upstairs!

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