Friday, January 8, 2010


I love having the freedom to be able to express my own opinion!
I woke up at 5:30am this morning, stood outside in the balming 3 degrees for 25 minutes because the train was late, then I had to wait another 15 minutes outside waiting for the bus because the train got us there late. It was just bitter cold morning. I hate it when it is so cold you step outside and it takes the breath right out of you. Plus to top it all off, the heat is all out in my building because the steam pipe busted yesterday. So everyone is walking around with their winter entire because it is so cold inside too. I really would love to live in a place where it is not so blasted cold. I dont understand how people actually like the cold. It is just plain miserable for me. I pile on the layers and it still cannot keep warm.
So please people when I say I hate the cold, dont give me a hard time, I am just stating my own opinion!

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