November 14, 2013
Jefferson is making a good transition into his new world. His oxygen levels were amazing at night (and early morning) and was eating like a champ! Although I'm not sure he was getting much from me. I began trying to get my milk to come in started pumping after every feeding. His glucose levels had been dropping from 60s to low 50s and they were concerned he wasn't not getting enough. He also was not having enough wet diapers. He has been able to maintain a good body temperature and was taken out of the heat beds and put into a crib bed. He seems to like it, but he loves to be swaddled. It's a little awkward with all the cords and attachments to him. His poor heels had to be pricked still before every feeding and is so sore. It breaks my heart, but I understand why it needs to be done. What ever they need to do to keep him healthy so he can hopefully go home soon. He also needed more blood drawn for labs so he got poked in the hand for that. He's so tough and took that like a champ.
He is such a great eater, I just hope I'm making enough for him. I just don't want to have a low supply like I had with Stella. I had been pumping after every feeding, so we started to feed him that milk through a nipple after I fed him to try to get his glucose up. He chugged down what ever extra I had in seconds.
His weight dropped. He is 7lbs 5oz now. But the Drs are not too worried since this is common with newborns. But other than that he is a champ and keeps doing better each day.
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